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Websites that are beneficial and informative are listed below. These are created by Grade 11- Bignay in Calamba City Science Integrated School S.Y. 2022-2023
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Agripower is an online website where you can encourage the public to support your agri-related organization. We aim to promote modern agriculture within the Philippines as well as its popularization. We also desire to share knowledge of how important agriculture is in our life.
Save the Wildlife
The Wildlife Advocates group is created. These student advocates have set a bold goal and objective to move and inspire others to come join them in becoming the voice for the voiceless. Save The Wildlife aims to help on conserving nature and preserving wildlife with the focus on maintaining balance on different species of fauna.
The Teddy Bear project
The tEddy beAr projecT is a youth organization that aims to help children in need, especially street children. We partnered up with several toy manufacturers to make this organization possible. By buying Locally made toys from our partners, you can help generate funds for feeding programs and scholarships. We aim to inspire, educate, and provide for a new generation of peacemakers, changemakers, and future professionals.
Stechno wants to build a new society, providing sustainable agriculture, giving knowledge and different opportunities. To make certain that the Philippines stays up with the breakthroughs in science and technology around the world.